July 7, 2023

And sometimes we're lazy

We "work" hard here at our little Hideaway - and we love it! We live in a woodland paradise full of birdsong and bastardly deer who eat veggies for free. (More on that later.) It's a labor of love, for sure, and we do it without complaining because the payoff is huge. Not many people can live tucked away from the world yet close enough to a town to get to a good grocery store in twenty minutes. 

This summer, I'm relaxing hard, too! For the first time in several years, the little pool is up and the water is warm. It's not big enough to swim in, but that was not its purpose. Relaxation is its purpose. 

I generally don't hop in until the shade reaches the pool, but the other day the water was 92F and I couldn't wait. The Lord of the Manor didn't feel like joining me but he did sit on the porch so we could chat. 

And the man just had to snap a picture. 

The Lady of the Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, rural living, country lifestyle, work hard, relaxation, summer pools, a writer's life, begonias, swimming, gardening, mowing

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