September 23, 2024

It's not an empty garden, it's a blank canvas

The 2024 gardening season is over, at least for me. The garden is cleared of all but a few annual flowers and the strawberry patch. 

Now I get to design a new canvas for 2025. I'm looking forward to a space that may not be a typical summer garden but will please me. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway


Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, gardening, rural living, country lifestyle

September 10, 2024

What a mess, and I'll be the one to clean it up

The well drillers are finally here and they're making a huge mess for me to clean up. It can't be helped, though. I just pray I have good, clear, clean water when they're done. 

I posted an entry over at Between the Keys with more details.

September 3, 2024

Perfect weather!

Suffice it to say that August got away from me. I accomplished very little. Looking back through my day calendar to see what I did do was depressing. Yes, Tropical Depression Debby was a hindrance, but I can't blame it all on the rain. I think my ass grew into my recliner, which I do not like. It can't be allowed to become a habit. 

In my defense, August was stinkin' hot. Hazy, hot, and humid hot. Not the sort of weather anyone not accustomed to it needs to be doing yard work in. I busied myself with several canning projects. Broth, three different soups, and a lot of applesauce made it onto the pantry shelves. I'm not finished yet. I still want to process some beef stew, pork stew, and jardiniere (pickled veggies). 

But today was for something different. Today was my kind of weather with sunshine, almost no breeze, and the mercury in the mid-seventies. I got busy and cleaned up several months worth of downed sticks and had a little 'campfire'. 

I don't know what we did before we got the John Deere 1023. Having a compact tractor makes life a lot easier. I filled six buckets full of debris and burned it one bucket at a time. I took my time and took breaks sitting on the tractor to watch the fire, too. I kept it small and it worked out great! 

It feels good to get that much done. At least now when someone comes to visit, the lane and approaches are tidy. I call that a good day's work.

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, rural living, country lifestyle, John Deere 1023, campfire, burning brush, yard work, a writer's life, outside chores, good weather, autumn