We've had a lot of rain this past month. They say one inch of rain equals ten inches of snow. We'd be buried right now if that were true. Weather notwithstanding, I decided to roll the dice and unhitch the snowblower and remount the bucket on the tractor. We have a John Deere 1023 subcompact tractor and I don't know how we managed before we got it.
There are things to do that do not involve snow. A few spots on the lane need a touch-up of gravel, and I took advantage of a warm day and cut down a tree that threatened to fall across the lane. That wood needs to be cleared and I work smart, not hard. The plan is to cut up the logs and put the pieces directly in the bucket to be transported to the woodpile. The fewer times I need to handle heavy logs, the better.
Deuce is my constant companion as I work. He sometimes takes himself on a little stroll out the lane, but he's very, very good. He stops when he gets to where the section I share with my cousin connects. How does he know? I spent time teaching him that when he was younger. The extra time you spend in their first year makes for an excellent companion.
Last fall, the wet weather arrived before we could do a last leaf chopping. This past weekend, I took the John Deere 370 around the yard to do that. At least I tried. The ground is very soft and the mower left tread marks in places. It turns out the strip of grass I want to overseed this spring was the worst. I said tire tracks be damned and did a good chop there. I'm going to roll the dice again and spread grass seed regardless. One of the things on my agenda for this summer is creating a deeper swale for better drainage below that area.
Planning is a good winter occupation, but now I'm eager to get going. The sale of my mother's house is pending, and I will be happy to be out from under taking care of two houses. Most of the projects planned for this summer are labor-intensive, unlike last year when we screened in the patio. Perhaps I need a spreadsheet or grid to keep me focused. I'll ponder that. It's not a bad idea.
The Lady of Holly Tree Manor