January 30, 2021

Yes, he's going to eat spinach


The spousal unit hates spinach. To him, it's nothing more than a slimy mess. His aversion to cooked spinach carries over to fresh spinach in salads, too. There is no accounting for personal tastes in food, so instead of arguing with him about it, I've generally just not served spinach to him. It's not difficult to add spinach to only one salad, but I confess I've been annoyed when doing it. But I may have it upon a solution. 

Transitioning into a home-based lifestyle means learning some new things. YouTube is a wealth of information. We've enjoyed watching Living Traditions Homestead for a little over a year, and it's led to finding and watching a raft of homesteading, gardening, and food preserving channels. One that crossed my path is The Purposeful Pantry. The host is keen on dehydrating and she does some interesting things. When she dehydrated spinach down to a powder, I took notes. 

Spinach powder. How interesting. I bet a tablespoon of spinach powder in soups and stews will go totally unnoticed by Himself. Same for in a quiche. I deemed it worth a try and got two pounds of organic spinach at Sam's Club for under $5 and set to work. Last evening I washed and drained all of it, and then spread it out on my dehydrator trays, set the machine on high, and went to bed. This morning I had five trays of really crunchy spinach leaves. 

Next step - I put the leaves in a bowl and manually crushed them until they were a bit finer. Then I used my coffee grinder to make a powder. The net result is about three-quarters of a half-pint jar of powder. I added one moisture removing packet and set the jar in the pantry. I'll need to give the jar a shake every day for the next week or so to make sure the packet is doing its job, but that's it. A simple way to get the vitamins and minerals in spinach into our diet. Bonus fact - it takes up virtually no room on the shelf and none in the freezer. 

I'm calling this adventure a success!

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor

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