January 3, 2025

What should I plan in 2025?

Do you make New Year's resolutions? I don't, but I do make plans. The problem with those plans is one I bet a lot of people have - the new plan looks a lot like the old plan. 

I'm planning the 2025 garden. I plan to grow some of the same old things: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage, and green beans. And this year, I'm concentrating on herbs. I've made a few herbal tinctures, but it's become clear I like tea much better, lemon balm tea especially. Herbal teas can have medicinal properties if you research and use them properly. And then there's good old-fashioned Basil. I love, love, love pesto and I didn't harvest nearly enough basil to keep me in pesto until the next harvest. 

And that's when the PLAN came to a screeching stop. What, beyond my garden, do I have planned for 2025? 

The truth is, not much. 

Maybe making a hard and fast plan isn't a good idea at this time in my life. Maybe I need to take baby steps toward those things I want to accomplish. That may mean painting one room in the house instead of four rooms. I need to keep my plans to where I know I can accomplish the goal. 

I think that's what works for a lot of people. Setting small goals that can be met keeps a person positive. They used to say you shouldn't try to climb a mountain in one day. Another bit of wisdom is to break down a big job into its smaller parts and take it one thing at a time. 

That's sensible for me. My 2025 plan is to plan to keep it simple, take it slow, and not bite off more than I can chew. It will be interesting to see just how far I can get with that philosophy. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, planning 2025, New Year's resolutions, gardening, life ideals, rural living, setting goals, a writer's life, KC Kendricks, preparedness

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