August 20, 2023

Moving day

It's a fact - tractor attachments are not cheap. Hell, tractors are not cheap! We have thousands of dollars tied up in equipment.

I'm not bragging. I'm just saying. And all you would-be thieves out there, remember this word - depreciation. It's not worth now what we paid for it. 

We decided to move the equipment to a new location after a delivery driver commented on our "collection." It gave both of us a hinkey feeling so a new site was selected and everything moved to a spot only a tractor can access. All the implements are now out of sight of the casual observer. 

We're not necessarily thrilled to have moved everything, but it was the prudent thing to do. 

There is a downside to the move. Our new spot has more room and The Lord of the Manor is already making plans to add to his collection with the purchase of a box blade. I'm not sure I can talk him out of it. The best I can hope for is to convince him an implement we'll only use two or three times a year can be purchased used. 

It's difficult to predict if I'll prevail, but at least it will be parked out of the way and out of sight. 

Sometimes that's the best I can hope for. 

The Lady of the Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, John Deere, tractor implements, box blade, rural living, country lifestyle, wooded property, homestead security

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