February 5, 2023

New day, amended plans

ISTJ = Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging.  

Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II was an ISTJ? So they say! I'm in extremely good company! 

Many years ago a new CEO came in where I worked and the first thing he did was give everyone on staff the Myers Briggs personality test. My results were so far into the ISTJ range it made my head hurt. Fred, on the other hand, was ecstatic. He voiced the opinion I was perfect for functioning as an administrative assistant. 

Really? And how well do you know me, Fred?

Of course, it turns out Fred, and the test, were pretty much spot on. I am an organizer. I do follow logical steps to reach a decision and achieve a goal. I can be very persistent when I'm chasing a goal. I'm definitely introverted. Too many people around suck the life right out of me. 

I am a planner. I've been working on my plan for spring since the first hard frost hit last November. But I think the time has come to figure out the best time to implement my plans. 

When should we set the pool up? I'm going to get an argument from the Lord of the Manor, but I think the week of May 1 would be good. I expect it to be hot again this year. 

When should I have a load of mulch delivered? It will be the first week of April, whatever day they can schedule the delivery. 

That's the sort of thing I need to get on the calendar, not just to see it done, but to include items in the upcoming budget. Does it help to do this? It helps me and that's what is important since I'm the one who has to handle all of it. 

Knowing that the pool will go up the first week of May, and it's on the calendar, means I won't schedule any other big job for that week. Now if the pool is successfully filled on Tuesday, I'll look ahead on the calendar and possibly move up a small project for Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Or if the weather is good, we may hop in the Charger and take a day trip. But first things first, and that will be the pool. 

Making plans, for me, is freeing. It doesn't make me feel restricted at all. If I have the big items mapped out, I'm free to juggle little items around to my mood of the moment. With the big items in place, there's a lot less drama on the manor, and that's the way we like it. So I'll plot and plan and plod along to keep it that way.

The Lady of the Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, future plans, rural living, country lifestyle, swimming pool, gardening, calendar, gardening, ISTJ personality

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