February 21, 2025

We begin again in 2025

The first begonia cutting has been set. If it lives, in five to seven days I'll do about half the tray. If not, I'll wait a week to ten days and try again. 

Here's the thing. The planting guide for my location says I can start pepper seeds indoors now. Yeah, okay. But I trust a wax plant cutting more than the planting guide. I think these tender cuttings know more than the almanac. 

Besides, it's cold outside. I don't have my seed starting trays and soil inside warming up yet. I really need to get that done before I even think about starting seeds. I guess I'll have to go outside in below freezing temperatures with the wind whipping around and bring them in. 

Maybe tomorrow.

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, wax plants, begonias, seed starts, cuttings, gardening, rural living, country lifestyle, weather watcher, green peppers 

February 17, 2025

It's never fun when your car won't start


About a week ago, I had to call my cousin for a rescue. I was at the grocery and my trusty Charger refused to start. ARGH!!!

Read the story at https://kckendricks.blogspot.com/2025/02/that-did-not-go-as-planned.html

I should have posted it here, but I didn't. 

Bad me.


January 14, 2025

At it again - the never ending brush pile

I have a lot of trees, ergo, I have a lot of brush. Mother Nature likes to toss sticks into my yard. Every year, there is a tree or two that for one reason or another needs to be harvested. The aftermath of a tree being felled is brush. January and February are my favorite months to burn brush.

Why? Because of the weather, specifically snow. Burning when there is snow on the ground is pretty safe. Same goes for during a rainfall. 

Yesterday, I braved the cold and lit a small brush pile. I wasn't sure the fire was going to catch and get going, but it did. The flames had died down to mere embers, and I was ready to call it a day. I'd no sooner taken off my wet jeans when a gust of wind rocked the house, and then kept blowing. 

I did not like this. Would the wind reignite the embers in what was left of the brush pile?

I pulled on a pair of sweat pants and went back outside, hopped on the John Deere 1023, and scooped up a few snow piles leftover from a few days ago when I used the snow pusher attachment on the lane. I dropped the snow on what was left of the smoldering brush pile. And you know what happened then?

Yep. The wind stopped blowing.

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, country lifestyle, rural living, John Deere 1023, snow, rain, burning brush, resources, wind, fire, work smart


January 8, 2025

Making soup and waiting for snow

A couple of days ago, as we waited to see what Winter Storm Blair would bring us, I was at loose ends. I'd done everything outside to prepare what I could, and I keep my inner spaces tidy, so that left cooking. I made the best batch of potato soup EVER!

The Lord of the Manor didn't care much for potato soup and so it wasn't part of our regular menu rotation. When I did make it, it was a bit bland to suit his taste. That man would take leftover potato soup, drain off the broth, and mash the potatoes. The gospel according to Ron said potatoes should be mashed or fried. Well....... I like soup! 

Anyway, I made the soup with onions, celery, rosemary, turmeric, parsley, milk, and butter.  It was delish! I ate a serving while seated on the sofa watching it snow. 

Ah, the snow. Winter Storm Blair. 

The Weather Channel predicted a snowmageddon for us with up to 18 inches of snow with at least a half an inch of ice. It was no surprise it didn't happen, but the exercise in preparedness wasn't wasted. 

The generator was started and my cousin noted I should replace the pull cord as it's getting worn. He also suggested a new spark plug. This will happen in the spring when the mowers are serviced. I also added a notation on my calendar to start the generator every five weeks to keep the motor lubed. 

The snow makes my woods lovely, and I've enjoyed observing the birds, but I'm ready for it to melt. One good snow a year is all I need. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, Winter Storm Blair, potato soup, rural living, a writer's life, generators, organization, snow birds, country lifestyle, cooking, preparedness

January 5, 2025

Winter Storm Blair

I don't know when, or why, the weather guessers began to name winter storms. What's wrong with The Blizzard of '77? It works. We remember it. 

The forecast is for Winter Storm Blair to reach us around 10 PM tonight. I've made sure I have plenty of dog food and doggie treats, cat food, KC food, firewood, and water for coffee. The snow shovel and snow melt are on the patio, under roof. So is a gasoline can and the transfer pump. My cousin came up and made sure my generator would start. It's a pull cord and my hip is bothering me and I couldn't pull it hard enough today. And lastly, the snow pusher is on the John Deere 1023. I'm as ready for this weather event as is humanly possible. 

My grandparents used to say that Ohio's weather today is our weather tomorrow. It's surprisingly true, most days. Now we have the Weather Channel and the Internet and a lot of confusion. I took a photo of the sky just before dark. Yep. It's coming. 

Ron and I used to like to watch it snow. We'd cuddle-up on the couch with a cup of coffee and gaze out the living room window. I'll probably sit and watch the snow fall for a little while, but I will need to go out in the storm and run the tractor if it starts to get deep. And who knows how much we'll get? The predictions are never dependable. My location is protected by a very tall hill (a mountain), and the worst of many a storm goes south of us. 

I moved the table on the sunroom porch close to the door so I can stick a ruler in the snow and measure without walking outside. Foresight. Amazing. 

There's nothing left to do tonight except put my jammies on, snuggle with Deuce and Loki, and watch a little TV. I may even fix myself a little something-something to knock the chill off. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, Winter Storm Blair, rural living, snowfall, Weather Channel, preparedness, generators, a writer's life, black Lab dog, John Deere 1023

January 3, 2025

What should I plan in 2025?

Do you make New Year's resolutions? I don't, but I do make plans. The problem with those plans is one I bet a lot of people have - the new plan looks a lot like the old plan. 

I'm planning the 2025 garden. I plan to grow some of the same old things: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage, and green beans. And this year, I'm concentrating on herbs. I've made a few herbal tinctures, but it's become clear I like tea much better, lemon balm tea especially. Herbal teas can have medicinal properties if you research and use them properly. And then there's good old-fashioned Basil. I love, love, love pesto and I didn't harvest nearly enough basil to keep me in pesto until the next harvest. 

And that's when the PLAN came to a screeching stop. What, beyond my garden, do I have planned for 2025? 

The truth is, not much. 

Maybe making a hard and fast plan isn't a good idea at this time in my life. Maybe I need to take baby steps toward those things I want to accomplish. That may mean painting one room in the house instead of four rooms. I need to keep my plans to where I know I can accomplish the goal. 

I think that's what works for a lot of people. Setting small goals that can be met keeps a person positive. They used to say you shouldn't try to climb a mountain in one day. Another bit of wisdom is to break down a big job into its smaller parts and take it one thing at a time. 

That's sensible for me. My 2025 plan is to plan to keep it simple, take it slow, and not bite off more than I can chew. It will be interesting to see just how far I can get with that philosophy. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway

Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, planning 2025, New Year's resolutions, gardening, life ideals, rural living, setting goals, a writer's life, KC Kendricks, preparedness

December 22, 2024

Five years at Holly Tree Manor

Today marks the fifth anniversary of Holly Tree Manor. So much has happened in those years. The big life changing events that happened in those years are that I retired and my beloved Ron passed. I have more questions than ever about my life and the choices I've made. 

I'm not alone in wondering where I'd be today if I'd made different choices. What if I hadn't retired? Would I be happier at work than here alone all day? I don't think so. I was able to be with Ron and my only worry was Deuce. Thankfully, my closest cousin lives next door and was able to visit Deuce during the times I was at the hospital with Ron. 

Ron's passing aside, the last five years have been good ones. I started working when I was just sixteen years old. I wanted to save up to buy my own car, which I did even though it was against my parent's wishes. My mother always tried to hold me back. My father was more aware but he didn't know what to do with a teenage daughter. Dad was the one who said I could buy my first car - a 1969 Camaro. 

I worked all those years so I could have my own money, buy my own things, and save for the day when I could step into all I ever wanted to be - The Lady of the Manor. Truly, it was my fondest dream, and here I am. The reality looks a bit different than the dream since Ron passed, but he knew this was my dream. 

Yesterday, we marked the winter solstice. Starting today, we begin to have more daylight minutes every day until we reach the summer solstice. It's a cold (29F), clear and sunny day here. There is little work that needs to be done outside in the cold. I've completed a few indoor chores, perused a few seed sellers like Burpees and Totally Tomatoes, and now I'm blogging. Later this afternoon, I need to decide on my canning/preserving projects for the year, which will influence what I plant in the 2025 garden. 

My computer room/sunroom is flooded with sunlight. Outside the windows, the trees stand as watchful sentinels. My world is at peace. 

Thanks for coming along for the last five years. 

The Lady of Holly Tree Manor/The Hideaway


On a side note, I've got a new book out called Once in October. Click on the link to the book page located at my writing blog, Between the Keys. You will probably get a message that the link takes you off this blog. If that worries you, copy and paste in:


Holly Tree Manor, The Hideaway, rural living, country lifestyle, fifth anniversary, a writer's life, winter solstice, 1969 Camaro, KC Kendricks, blogging, women's work, loss of spouse, dreams